Allies in the Fight

Power Proposal

The proposal to install batteries and solar power on the island is meant to provide backup power for the housing units on the island. This will allow the units to switch to backup power as soon as there is a grid failure or if the single power line from Oakland fails. A similar solution was implemented in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria hit the island as a Category 4 storm. The storm caused widespread damage and power loss to the entire island, which has a population of 3.5 million people.

The SFPUC has conducted a study to support the proposed solution. The study, which was conducted by the local government, found that adding batteries and solar power to the housing units would provide resilience and completely mitigate the effects of a grid failure.

Our allies in this effort are CALWAVE TECH and Custom Power Solar. These companies have been working with the government to educate leaders about potential solutions and to develop the proposal to solve the problem of unreliable power on the island.

Link to Study

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Barklee started by reaching out to the local power company and city officials to understand the root causes of the outages and what could be done to prevent them. He also began speaking with his neighbors and other members of the community to gather their experiences and concerns.

With this information, Barklee began advocating for solutions to the problem. He proposed the use of renewable energy sources and backup generators to provide reliable power to the community, as well as better communication and response plans in case of outages. He also suggested implementing educational programs and resources to help residents understand the importance of energy conservation and emergency preparedness.

Through his efforts, Barklee was able to bring attention to the issue and bring about positive change for the community. The power company implemented new technologies and procedures to prevent outages, and the city provided additional resources and support for emergency preparedness. Barklee's dedication and passion for helping others has made a lasting impact on his community, and he continues to work towards making it a better place for all its residents.


Matt Haney

As a Supervisor, Matt Haney can work to improve conditions in District 6 by addressing the issues that you mentioned. For example, he can work with local utility companies to address power outages and ensure that residents have reliable access to electricity. He can also advocate for the needs of students by pushing for meal delivery programs and working to ensure that they have access to nutritious food. Additionally, he can work to protect the housing rights of all residents in the district and ensure that redevelopment efforts prioritize the needs of the community. He can also work to address the issue of the incoming toll by advocating for policies that make it more affordable for residents to access transportation.

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Custom Power Solar

Custom Power Solar specializes in providing solar power systems with energy storage and EV charging options. They offer a range of products for both on-grid and off-grid systems, which can provide not only backup power in the event of grid failure, but also additional savings on power bills. With solar+storage and EV charging capabilities, customers can enjoy the benefits of renewable energy and the convenience of electric vehicle charging. Interested individuals can contact Custom Power Solar for more information and to receive a free quote.



Calwave Technologies, Inc. is a leading renewable energy project development company with a focus on both Commercial Distributed Generation and Utility Scale solar power systems. The company offers a range of services, including project development, financing, engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC), as well as long-term operation and maintenance. In partnership with Gorun New Energy Co., Calwave has developed and installed over 500 MW of solar energy projects. Gorun is a trusted partner with strong relationships with suppliers and a factory that manufactures high-efficiency solar modules.


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