Fuel Shortage for Residents

Treasure and Yerba Buena islands lost power from Davis Substation, a Port of Oakland asset, about 2:30PM yesterday. The islands went on generator power while electricians continue to troubleshoot the needed repairs. The generators run off of diesel fuel. To conserve fuel, generators were shut down last night between 12-5AM. Generators were restarted at 5AM as planned. The Generator at YBI has sufficient fuel; however, the generator at Treasure Island has insufficient fuel for continuous power. TI will experience another outage this morning and power will remain out until refueling is concluded. We are unable to refuel the generators until sometime after 10:30AM. Notifications are going out to keep people informed. Lineworkers are narrowing in on the remaining problem with the electrical grid. We will continue to keep you updated.


November Outage Sparks A Response


TIDA Working to Modify Gymnasium